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1) What is SEO and Why is it important for your Seattle business?

SEO stands for search engine optimization.  Techniques that help your website become more visible in organic search results for the people who are looking for your Seattle business via search engines like Google.

2) What’s the difference between organic vs. paid search results?

Organic search results are the results that appear in search engines, for free, based on an algorithm. Paid search results appear at the top or side of a page. These are the links that advertisers pay to appear on Google.

3) What are meta descriptions and do they still matter?

A meta description is the text that appears below your page in a Google search result that explains what the page is all about.

Meta descriptions still matter. They used to be a place to optimize for keywords so Google would know more about your page contents. Now, it”s more important you write something compelling that makes potential customers want to click so you can improve conversion rates from SERP results to your website and Seattle business.

4) Should I optimize my domain name to include keywords?

Your primary domain should not include a keyword just for the sake of keyword optimization. If your company name happens to have a keyword, that’s fine.

5) How do I know when I’m using the right number of keywords on a page?

There”s no keyword density you should be aiming for, using a keyword too many times can result in penalization due to “keyword stuffing.” Only use keywords when you need to.

6) What’s the difference between internal and inbound links?

Internal links are links on a page on your website that go to another page on your website. Inbound links are other websites that link to your content.

7) How many internal links do I need on each page of content?

You should avoid stuffing too many links into your content. Only include them when it improves the customer experience.

8) What is robots.txt?

This is a file that gives Google information about the pages a company wants indexed or crawled. You can find this page by doing to YOURDOMAIN/robots.txt.

9) What is the sitemap.xml file?

This file is an index of all the pages on your site. It”s a quick reference for Google of content that you want indexed.

10) How can I see what pages are indexed?

It”s as easy as typing in “site:www.YOURDOMAIN.com” to find the pages on your site that are indexed.

11) Why do you need alt text on your images?

Google cannot read images, but they can read text. The alt text helps them figure out what the images are all about. Plus, if a page doesn’t load for some reason, people can still find out what the image is by reading the alt text.

12) How long does it take to see results from SEO?

There are a few different factors that will determine how quickly results will come:

  • How much content you create
  • The quality of the content
  • How the content resonates with your customers
  • If you”re a big or small website with strong or weak domain authority

Typically three months is reasonable.

13) Should I hire someone to do my SEO?

Hiring someone internally or externally to do your SEO can be helpful, but it can also be dangerous if that person doesn’t actually know the modern rules of SEO.

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